this slowpoke moves  


Energy: The Race Is Getting Hot
Hightech: The Next Industrial Revolution


What is Taskforcing®?

What do you mean by “Project Landscape”?


What is your energy cost as a percentage of total cost?

What do your customers value the most?


What can you do for us?

Europe Efficiency provides carry-through support to assist industrial companies desiring to reduce waste of valuable resources, be it energy or raw materials. At the same time, we assist in optimizing time-to-market, so that revenues will flow much earlier. We offer a one-stop solution covering the entire road to project implementation and related support so that extensive research & development, fast marketing roll-outs, cross-border expansion and even export programs can be afforded. We have gathered ample experience in resolving every conceivable issue faced by companies seeking self-funded project support.

What is Taskforcing®?

Taskforcing® is a powerful solution-finding and implementation tool, which assures a high propensity of strategy and action plan realization.  At the same time, this tool increases motivational levels throughout the organization.

How much time will pass before we see the benefits of your work?

Usually less than 3 months, in particular where time-to-market processes are concerned. In order to become a strong player able to withstand present market pressures, it is return on investment and related payback periods that need to be improved. With our work on speeding up time-to-market, that is exactly what will happen.

What do you mean by “Project Landscape”?

This term depicts the totality of projects that can be defined within the timeframe available for the project. Of all these potential projects, we shall select those that have the greatest possible benefit to you within the shortest possible time.

Consultants charge high rates, and our budgets are not extensive

We are not run-of-the mill consultants; but are committed to step into the boat and share the risk with the client. Our fees are eminently affordable; and what is more, we shall – via our sister division Europe Funds – bring in the necessary funding for this and any other related investment.
So our approach is entirely entrepreneurial; we are Resultants, and not consultants.

Tell us why we need you

Energy based on fossil fuels is getting scarcer as well as more expensive; a natural development as our earth, by default, is finite. The same goes for raw materials of all sorts. This is true even for abundant materials such as quartz sands, since they require energy-intensive processes to be treated before being used in conventional production. It is therefore vital, not to say mandatory, to apply the most efficient processes available in the usage of energy and/or raw materials. This is where we come in. With our Energy-Savings-Program (ESP®) and our Resource-Efficiency-Scheme (RES®) we help industry to reduce waste on all fronts with emphasis on R&D and production. We also service clients with our Time-to-Market Optimization (TMO®) programs. Many a product launch failed simply because it came late to market; or great losses in revenue ensued due to delays from idea to prototype. With our TMO, these issue are worries of the past.

Who is Europe Funds and what do they do?

Our sister division Europe Funds has been working with international institutions for many years. Thus, they know the chores and can offer a non-bureaucratic way to apply for funding support, be it grants or project finance. Their services ensure a very high RoI for our projects and ensure fast payback.

© Europe Efficiency, 1996; 1997-2024. All rights reserved.